Money Hungry
Mindset Workshop

Your money mindset has the ability to make you money or cost you more…

Your money mindset is an overriding attitude that you have about your finances.

It can have a big impact on your ability to achieve your goals, talk confidently with clients and grow your freelance business.

When you change your mindset about money, you tend to make better choices about how to overcome challenges and ultimately feel better about being a freelancer.

Come join me at my table where we get creative about dollars and sense!

By signing up, in addition to access to the Money Hungry Mindset Workshop, you’ll also receive my weekly newsletter full of pricing tips and tricks and complimentary Bread Basket access to the Freelancers Pantry.

Money Hungry Mindset Workshop

Your money mindset has the ability to make you money or cost you more…

A money mindset is an overriding attitude that you have about your finances. It can have a big impact on your ability to achieve your goals, talk confidently with clients and grow your freelance business. If you change your mindset about money, you tend to make better choices about how to overcome challenges and ultimately feel better about being a freelancer.

Come join me at my table where we get creative about dollars and sense!

By signing up, in addition to access to the Money Hungry Mindset Workshop, you’ll also receive my weekly newsletter full of pricing tips and tricks.

Tell me if this sounds familiar:

  • I’m a freelancer, I’m a creative, and those aren’t high paying professions

  • I HATE talking about money with clients, it feels gross and sleazy

  • I’m terrified at the idea of charging more, what if clients leave me or I can’t get new ones

  • There’s no way I could ever make more than when I was employed as a creative.

Yep. Been there. Lemme help!

In this FREE workshop we will:

  • Deconstruct your money story you’ve baked yourself and create a better one to devour

  • Debunk the money lies and beliefs we tell ourselves on the daily

  • Reset and reframe the role money plays in our freelance future

  • Create a plan that helps you get comfortable with chatting about charging with clients

All bundled up with a workshop workbook to help you nail your Money Hungry Mindset!

Grab your seat for

Money Hungry Mindset

A workshop for freelancers tackling dollars and sense

On-Demand Replay

By signing up, in addition to access to the Money Hungry Mindset Workshop, you’ll also receive my weekly newsletter full of pricing tips and tricks and complimentary Bread Basket access to the Freelancers Pantry.

Another workshop lovingly baked by Jaz, your Pricing Queen.

If you’re in or around Melbourne, you might’ve seen this teal clad, pie-obsessed, superwoman flying around town. She can shovel an apple crumble in with one hand, while simultaneously bringing in a six-figure income with the other.

Fondly known in the business world as ‘The Pricing Queen’, Jaz is here for all creative freelancers. Knowing how and what to charge is a common challenge in this industry, one that Jaz knows all too well. With 15 years now under her belt, she’s made all the mistakes so you don’t have to.

Jaz is here to be the person she needed all those years ago. It’s time to confidently charge your worth and make 2024 your most profitable yet.