Already a Pantry Pal? Click here to head straight to the Pantry

Already a Pantry Pal? Click here to head straight to the Pantry | Already a Pantry Pal? Click here to head straight to the Pantry | Already a Pantry Pal? Click here to head straight to the Pantry | Already a Pantry Pal? Click here to head straight to the Pantry | 


The Freelancer’s Pantry Membership

The Freelancers Pantry Membership

An online community packed with ingredients and tools to help you make money as a freelancer!

For freelancers hungry for sweet success

The Freelancer’s Pantry is lovingly stocked and served for ambitious and creative individuals seeking freelance success.

Whether you’re a seasoned freelancer looking to enhance your career or a budding creative eager to turn your passion into profit, The Freelancers Pantry provides the resources and support to help you thrive in the freelance world.

So here’s the thing… I’ve been working as a creative for 15 years.

Some of that was as an employee, but the best bites have been as a freelancer.

Honestly, there have been a lot of difficult and valuable lessons learned over the years. It was one thing to only have to focus on being a great designer, and a whole other to run a successful business. Where were the clients going to come from? What would they expect of me? How could I ensure each project runs as smoothly as possible, and worst of all… much should I charge?

The first few years of freelancing left me basically starving. I had no mentor, nobody to answer my questions, no helpful resources or templates to use in my own business, and brand-new challenges every other day (or so it felt). I didn’t know how to come up with my pricing, or how to find the right clients who would pay me what I’m worth.

Projects kept blowing out, clients kept being difficult, and I was overworked, overly emotional and underpaid. It felt like I was just guessing what to do, instead of actually knowing.

I’m assuming that some (or all!) of my experience sounds very familiar. For the last 4 years, I’ve been teaching freelance creatives how to achieve their own, personal brand of success.

For me, it’s a 7-figure business, a healthy work-life balance, and earning good money to do what I love. It’s seeing the impact my skills have on my clients, building great relationships with people who fill my cup, and feeling pride and accomplishment at the end of the day…

…but the Freelancer’s Pantry membership isn’t about me. It’s about you.

This membership throws open the pantry doors and lets you pick the ingredients that you need, when you need them.

Success looks different for everyone, and we all have different backgrounds, ideas, skills, and goals.

I’m not here to tell you to change everything about your business. The Freelancers Pantry meets you where you are, and gives you the skills to know how to make your business thrive, your way.

Curious what’s tucked inside on each shelf? Take a peek…

Join us in The Freelancer’s Pantry as we bake and serve up success together. There’s 3 levels to choose from…

craving COMMUNITY?

Bread Basket

Yep, free.



The Staples

Per month (AUD)



The Feast

Per month (AUD)



The Freelancers Pantry is now unlocked for freelance creatives who are hungry for:

  • Their perfect work/life balance. Whether it’s never missing another school concert or taking unlimited sick and vacation days, a thriving freelance business provides the flexibility to do it all.
  • A consistent flow of profitable projects, and to never worry about where the next, high-paying client is going to come from. They want control over their workload and the freedom to pick and choose the projects that fill their cups.

  • The secrets of pricing! They want to learn about the different types of pricing, how to use pricing psychology to their advantage, and how to calculate their rates and offerings for each individual project.
  • Effective business and marketing tools. They want to strategise successful marketing campaigns, streamline their business processes, and build a loyal and growing client base. All they need is the recipe that they can swipe and cook up in their own creative kitchen.

“Ok Jaz, what’s actually on the menu?” (I hear you ask….)

  • An automatic ticket to my monthly masterclass.
    Be inspired, taught, and motivated for the month ahead. Each topic provides practical information and instruction that can be implemented in your business right away.

  • An online community of other freelance creatives.
    Networking is a key ingredient in my success, as are the business relationships I’ve made. My exclusive Freelancer’s Pantry membership group creates opportunities for you to learn, ask, offer, and connect. #notafacebookgroup
  • Access to a buffet of resources.
    Think worksheets, video lessons and workbooks for business and professional development, email templates for every step of the client journey (including the uncomfortable times), marketing, frameworks, pricing, licensing, calculators, and handbooks.
  • Exclusive prices and offers for other menu items in The Creative Business Kitchen
  • Listing in the Online Directory so you can connect and collaborate with fellow freelancers where you are.
  • Pricing support through Pricing Pickle Threads, where you can check those chewy quotes before you hit send!

  • Guest events available ONLY to members of The Freelancer’s Pantry, exploring how others bake their own success so you can sneak a peek at their recipe.

  • A monthly, standing invitation to The Long Table.
    This is a 2-hour, online group coaching call where you can ask me (or your peers) anything. What I serve is based on what my Freelance Pantry creatives are hungry for. *

* Feast Group Calls happen on the third Saturday of each month

Check out the Masterclass Menu

Masterclasses to munch on each month (and actually enjoy)

I’m like that cool teacher you had in high school… the one who helped you learn without you even realising you were.

As a well-seasoned masterclass-er, I know how to engage my audience from start to finish, teach them what they want (and need) to know, and provide practical steps to implement their new-found knowledge.

Each masterclass inspires, motivates, and unlocks new pathways for their success. Feast your eyes on the smoking-hot list of masterclass topics you’ll indulge on with your Freelancer’s Pantry membership.

“Jaz’s masterclasses cut through the fluff and her no-BS approach makes it so easy to learn from her”

Jo, a serial Masterclass diner

Each of the past masterclasses are tucked inside, ready to be reheated…

PLUS your seat is saved automatically for the live masterclass served each month

Freelancing can be lonely. Let’s change that.

The dining table you actually want to sit around

Think Discord, but for Freelancers

No freelancer should feel they have to dine alone. Part of my role is to help you build fulfilling business relationships, network your butt off, and feel supported and cheered on by my community of like-minded creatives.

These types of connections have significantly contributed to my success, so now I’m sharing that pie with you. The Freelancer’s Pantry gathers you around the table to feast on ideas, inspiration, and success.

  • An exclusive online community, run through Heartbeat, for Freelancer’s Pantry members

  • Access the Desktop app or Mobile, so you can take the pantry with you

  • A place to ask questions, get help, share ideas, collaborate, and connect
  • Build relationships that add to your business success

  • Share opportunities for work
  • Get support from a group of like-minded freelancers

Guides and worksheets and calculators, Oh my!

Even the most accomplished chefs use written recipes…

Feeling peckish and don’t want to wait for dinner? Just grab something from the resource pantry. It’s always open.

While us creative types are usually wired to go with the flow, there will definitely be times where you wish you had some sort of handbook.

The resource pantry is open to all Freelance Pantry members and is packed full of ingredients that satisfy your cravings and help fast track your pathway to profit.

  • Professional development worksheets in a range of different flavours (building a customer journey, refining your spread of offers, crafting a productised service, pitching your first retainer, etc)
  • Handy Creative Calculators to help you with calculating rates, prices, licencing agreements and so much more

  • Gourmet Guides to reference when you’re just not sure

  • Easy-to-follow Freelance Flowcharts to take the guesswork out of your decisions

compliments to the chef

Working with Jaz has changed everything. It’s phenomenal.

I was part of The Master Freelancer and literally everything changed in that 10 weeks. From being a freshly new freelancer, newly in my business, struggling to work things out, and felt kinda alone. By the time those 10 weeks were up, I had all the tools to help make my business grow more than I ever imagined.

So when Jaz mentioned she was starting a membership? It was a no-brainer!

I now have a CEO mindset. I don’t want to just thrive, I want to continue growing.

Tiffany | Freelancer

Weekly cowork sessions to dish and discuss

Coworkers without the perils of employment!

Casual drop-in weekly cowork sessions ran to get those chewy tasks off your plate or just dish with other freelancers from all over the world.

If you were in a co-working space, you’d probably say hi when you got a coffee to some stranger then have to make small-talk about the weather and be interested in what they do for work. At the Cowork Ketchup, we’re all creatives here, so you can share what you’re working on and we can all share when you win!

First dibs at a limited seat

Consider this your VIP status for my Group Program

All members of the Freelancer’s Pantry get early access to The Master Freelancer

My signature, 10-week program turns fresh and hungry freelancers into thriving business owners. It only runs twice per year, and the limited seats always fill up fast. Being a Freelancer’s Pantry member lets you skip the queue and choose your seat at the table before the banquet doors even open.

“Every single week was packed with an hour and a half or more of super actionable knowledge on sales, automations, website and social content, lead magnets, and more. It truly was like drinking from the fire hose of value.”

Rachel, Master Freelancer Graduate

for those of us who love a feast

You’re invited to a seat at the (Long) Table

Years ago, my friends and I had a tradition of a monthly Long Table dinner.

Everyone was invited, they brought a dish to share (or wine was always welcome) and we would catch up, share stories and connect. These are times I remember so fondly, so I decided to create my own, freelance style.

Each month, those who sign up to the Feast Membership get the added bonus of joining my Long Table Experience, a 2 hour, “ask-me-anything” group coaching call per month.

We all have new situations pop up that we’re not sure how to manage. Bring them to the group call and get experienced advice from me, as well as a group of supportive freelancers.

If you’re sick of earning crumbs and ready to roll in dough, the Freelancer’s Pantry has all the ingredients, recipes, and the masterchef (aka me) to help you make it happen.

compliments to the chef

I could honestly write a novel about how amazing Jaz is and how much she has helped me not only as a freelancer but she has also helped me be a far better human.

In my design business, I was shyly charging $30/hour and struggled to even ask for payment for my work which led me down to just being a complete doormat for clients.

With Jaz’s help, without hesitation, I increased my hourly rate to $80/hour and doubled my package offerings. I am so much more confident talking to clients and I get paid because I sound like I know my sh*t and know my value. I have continued to use Jaz’s mentorship every step of the way of my freelance career so far.

Every freelancer needs their sidekick, Jaz is exactly that for everyone!

Paige | Freelancer


The Freelancers Pantry Membership serves three options

craving COMMUNITY?

Bread Basket

Yep, free.


For the solo biz owner looking to ditch the loneliness of freelancing with a side of basic tools

What’s Included
  • Online Community of Fellow Freelancers to connect, share and grow with, hosted on Heartbeat

  • Weekly Cowork Ketchup invite

  • Access to a selection of free Resources in the Pantry

  • Access to a selection of free courses and workshops

  • Listing on the Pantry Directory

  • Full access to all updates
  • Cancel anytime


The Staples

Per month (AUD)


For the creative who craves the tools for creative freedom and financial independence

What’s Included
  • Monthly Masterclass Access AND access to past masterclasses (valued at $400AUD+)

  • Online Community of Fellow Freelancers to connect, share and grow with, hosted on Heartbeat

  • Weekly Cowork Ketchup invite

  • Full Access to well-stocked Resource Pantry

  • Listing on the Pantry Directory

  • Early Bird Rates to Courses
  • Full access to all updates
  • Cancel anytime


The Feast

Per month (AUD)


For the freelancer who dreams big, hustles harder and is ready for more

What’s Included
  • Monthly Masterclass Access AND access to past masterclasses (valued at $400AUD+)
  • Online Community of Fellow Freelancers to connect, share and grow with, hosted on Heartbeat

  • Full Access to well-stocked Resource Pantry

  • Weekly Co-working Ketchup

  • Listing on the Pantry Directory

  • First Access to The Master Freelancer spots
  • Early Bird Rates to Courses
  • Full access to all updates
  • Cancel anytime
  • PLUS Access to Long Table, a monthly, 2 hour group coaching call where you bring your questions to the table to share, solve and feast on.

In case we haven’t met

Hi, I’m Jaz, Pricing Queen for Freelance Creatives, and host of the Creative Business Kitchen

If you were to tell me at the start of my freelance journey that this would be where I ended up, I know the cliche line is to say something like “I never would have believed you”. But honestly, I couldn’t think of a place I’d rather be or am more suited for.

I spent the last 15 years developing the skills to run my own freelance business, one that successfully pays the bills and fills my soul. I needed to learn how to succeed, and how to learn, so I can show others what can work for them.

Now is the time, let me help you find your own flavour of freelance success.

You probably have questions

The Freelancer’s Pantry welcomes freelancers from all creative fields, including graphic designers, branding specialists, social media managers, artists, illustrators, web designers, and more. Whether you’re an established freelancer or just starting out, The Freelancer’s Pantry is designed to provide a place for business growth for freelancers at any stage of their journey.

Masterclasses will take place on the second Saturday of each month to set you up for success. Each will be held at the consistent time of 10am Saturday morning. Leading up to each masterclass you will get updates on the specific timing of these engaging and educational masterclasses, designed to enhance your freelance skills and knowledge. Get ready to level up your expertise, regardless of where you are in the world, as I bring you valuable teachings and inspiration in the AEST time zone. You can check the timezone here.

Mark your calendars for our monthly group calls, happening on the third Saturday of each month, at 10am AEST. Stay tuned for updates on the specific timing of each month’s group call and get ready to join the Long Table for delicious discussions and valuable answers. You can check the timezone here.

Every single Masterclass and Long Table Group call will be recorded for you to watch back if you can’t make a session. These will then be stored in The Pantry ready for you when you need them next! AND if you have questions before the call, you can submit prior for them to be answered on the call. If you’re asking, chances are someone else is asking too!

Yes, absolutely! I understand that circumstances may change, and you have the freedom to cancel your membership with The Freelancer’s Pantry at any time. Should you wish to discontinue your membership, simply follow the cancellation process outlined in your account settings. Please keep in mind that membership fees are non-refundable, and you will continue to have access to the community and its resources until the end of your current billing period.

Still got questions? Send me an email!

If you want to start baking a more profitable crust without slaving away for hours in the kitchen, I’m here and ready to help.

I’ll teach you everything that I do (and have done) to build my 7-figure freelance career.

Each membership ensures you’re never left alone, putting out fires in the kitchen, trying to salvage whatever you’ve got in the oven. The life you dream of really can be a reality, as long as you’ve got the right recipes for success.

Join us in The Freelancer’s Pantry as we bake and serve up success together.

craving COMMUNITY?

Bread Basket

Yep, free.



The Staples

Per month (AUD)



The Feast

Per month (AUD)
