Black Friday isn’t baked for Freelancers
As tempting as it is to dip your toe in the BFCM Sales season and serve up a discount or two, it might not be serving freelancer you. In fact, it's absolutely not.
4 Delicious Ways to Bake Up a Fresh Batch of Freelance Clients
Finding clients worthy of serving your creative genius to is the constant challenge for freelancers. But not you, now that you found this blog...
10 Essential Pricing Questions: My Go-To Guide for Every Freelance Quote
"How much?" *shudder* the question every freelancer hates being asked. But don't worry, I've got my top 10 questions I ask both myself and clients to help me work out the answer.
The Freelancer’s Smorgasbord of Pricing Methods
I hope you have your stretchy pants on... cos this smorgasbord is PACKED! (literally my longest blog ever)
The Secret Ingredients behind Six-Figure Freelance Success
I posted a carousel revealing some pretty big numbers in being a freelancer. It scared the crap outta me, but gosh, did it get people talking...
How to use testimonials to make more money
You might think a picture tells a thousand words, but those words aren't going to make the sale.
Time to ditch the discounts
You see it everywhere, sales and deals and exclusive offers. But what are discounts really doing to your freelance business?
Busting pricing psychology myths
This feels like an episode of Mythbusters, but rather than bunsen burners and rockets, we have charm pricing and anchoring.
Productised services: The feast that could end your freelancing famine
There's a good chance you've heard of productised services as a freelancer and thought yeah, not for me. But lemme show you why they might whet your appetite.