How accurate are your freelance rates?

Access my Pricing Calculator below!

By signing up, in addition to access to the Pricing Calculator, you’ll also receive my weekly newsletter full of pricing tips and tricks.

Are you charging enough as a freelancer?

Sign up below to access my Pricing Calculator!

By signing up, in addition to access to the Pricing Calculator, you’ll also receive my weekly newsletter full of pricing tips and tricks.

One of the most common questions I get asked as the Pricing Queen is this:

“How do I put a price on my time?”

It’s a hard one because we want to have confidence in our prices, right?

We want to make sure we are making enough to cover our expenses and the cost of running a business.

But we also want to make sure we charge our worth, know our value and charge accordingly.

So how do you make sure you’re charging enough? You run the numbers and calculate your rate, making sure you cover everything you need to.

Over three thousand people have accessed this calculator so far…

Working out your creative rate using the calculator as easy as a three step recipe:

  • Start with your Salary Base

  • Mix in your Expenses

  • Portion your Working Hours

And just like magic, it serves your hourly rate on a silver platter*!

*silver platter subject to availability, may be a paper plate…

Introducing the

Billable Hour Calculator

by your Pricing Queen, Jaz

So how does it work?

Start with your salary

Let’s start with the money you want to make in a year.

What number makes sense for your expertise, your value, and your experience?

Mix in your expenses

Now to work out what the true costs of running your business.

Are your rates covering your expenses? Have you considered all the expenses you have?

Portion your hours

You can only work, and bill, for so many hours in the day. 

How many hours do you need to bill to make ends meet, or better yet, to build a thriving business?

So how does it work?

Still hungry for more?

With your access, you’ll also get VIP access to:

  • First dibs and VIP discounts when future courses and resources are live and ready to be devoured.

  • An extra helping of all future upgrades added to calculator.

  • A peek into my kitchen to show you how I am cooking my 6 figure creative business

Sign up now and start working out your hourly value

By signing up, in addition to access to the Pricing Calculator, you’ll also receive my weekly newsletter full of pricing tips and tricks.

Another product lovingly baked by Jasmine Designs, your Pricing Queen.

If you’re in or around Melbourne, you might’ve seen this teal clad, pie-obsessed, superwoman flying around town. She can shovel an apple crumble in with one hand, while simultaneously bringing in a six-figure income with the other.

Fondly known in the business world as ‘The Pricing Queen’, Jaz is here for all creative freelancers. Knowing how and what to charge is a common challenge in this industry, one that Jaz knows all too well. With 14 years now under her belt, she’s made all the mistakes so you don’t have to.

As seen and heard on