• Legally protect your peach: Essential Bites for Business Owners

    This week we have a guest in the kitchen, Foundd Legal! I use Foundd for literally every legal butt-covering I've needed so far, so it made sense for them to come share their bitesized tips!

  • Time to raise those rates

    Your pay rise; how to do it without losing clients (and your breakfast)

  • Worth vs Value

    Oooooh, this is gonna be a juicy one, just sayin'.

  • 3 ways you and I can work together

    When it comes to choice, you deserve to be spoilt. Just like in cooking, having a variety of options in your creative business can take your work from bland to brilliant.

  • 5 reasons you need a creative retainer on your menu

    As a creative freelancer, I’m sure you’ve been told (too many times) that you’re trying to build a career in an incredibly difficult industry.

  • How to sandwich the solution to your clients problems

    I’m constantly impressed by the innovative service businesses that people come up with it. While yes, some are a bit…erm….niche (goat rental anyone?), the hangover bus is downright genius.

  • 5 reasons you need to nail how your business serves your skills

    Congratulations on joining the wonderful world of creative freelancing.

  • False assumptions we make about the client

    Whether you love them or hate them, clients are what put food on the table and comfy undies on your downstairs bits.

  • Being expensive is an option

    If you ask any freelance creative what they struggle with the most, I can guarantee that ‘pricing’ would be at least in the top 5.