You’ve swapped time for dollars and spent hours creating bespoke quotes for clients who ultimately ghost you…
this freelance sh*t is hard.
Seriously, if you could get back the time you’ve spent on back and forth bullsh*t and clients being picky eaters, you could comfortably take 3 months off!
There simply has to be a better way to do this freelance thing, right?
Maybe you’ve heard of “productised services”…
Sounds fancy, maybe a little salesy, and as someone who has always been told you need to quote every job differently, you’ve avoided dipping your toe in and exploring what it looks like for your freelance business.
But as you send off yet another quote that you’ve spent hour(s) on pouring your freelance soul into and hoping to the freelance gods that this quote actually gets accepted, you sit there and wonder if there could be a better way to get paid.
You may be sitting there thinking…
With the right kind of offer in your freelance menu, you could…
… skip the whole uncomfortable sales process where you’re convincing the client to hire you, and instead create a winning offer that sells itself.
… build a reputation for being the go-to person who solves that particular flavour of problem, and end up supercharging your word-of-mouth because your solution becomes the dish everyone is dying to share.
… literally wake up one morning to find your next project has already been added to cart, checked out, and paid for in full, all while you slept soundly on your high-quality mattress.
Let me invite you to discover the juicy profit potential that lies within the sweet buns of productised services.