Masterclass is served!

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In a perfect world, a freelancer can earn as much as they want by simply serving skills and sending the invoice.

But this is not a perfect world.

When faced with that fact, that as a freelancer, you don’t have to ask a boss for a raise or work overtime to increase how much you make, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

Lets face it, it’s not as simple as that, and if it was, everyone would be a freelancer. It takes more than a vision board and a few goals written down to make money as a freelancer and hit those financial goals we set for ourselves to achieve.

We often plan our financial goals for best case scenario…

When we build our rates, our freelance lifestyle, or even our working hours, we build the plan for success banking on everything going our way.

But best case isn’t always reality. In fact, it’s often not the case at all.

Now while there’s nothing wrong with being hopeful, it can mean we don’t make a plan on how we are actually going to get there, we just rely on hope.

When planning our financial goals, having a big number and a whole year ahead of you can feel like climbing a set of stairs where you can’t see the top and you’re already exhausted.

You might be sitting there thinking…

  • I’d love to be making six figures, but it feels completely overwhelming and out of reach.

  • When I think of my money goals, I get super uncomfortable and avoid setting them at all!

  • I don’t dare to dream of making more than I am now, what’s the point? If I don’t plan, I can’t fail, right?

  • Freelancers can’t make money, the industry is too oversaturated and Canva/AI is just going to take any jobs we can do (I call bullshit on this one btw)

The problem here is we set our goals with the best intentions, and then we don’t take it that step further and forget to actually figure out a step-by-step plan on how we are going to make that happen.

Goal-setting is fine, but actually setting a process for this could…

… get laser focussed financially , knowing how much you need to feed your next months goal at a glance so you feel financially stable and on the right track.

… help you find those gaps and get creative in how you fill them, because you know what your time, energy, skill and value is.

… build confidence in saying no to the things that don’t feed future (successful) freelance you because you know what you need to succeed, and it’s not the crumbs they’re offering

I can tell you right now, you can make decent cheddar if you make a plan on how you’re gonna get it.


Finances for Freelancers Masterclass

The masterclass helping you set achievable, measurable and digestible financial goals for the year ahead without the stomach flip and total freak out.

Originally served Live, grab the Reheated Replay on demand

In this masterclass, you’ll learn…

  • How to set financial goals that don’t make you want to hurl

  • The value of creating pricing that factors in more than just the costs of doing business

  • The best way to approach how your skills and offers fit into your financial goals (and what to do if they don’t)

  • What you can do right now to start building financial confidence

  • Strategies to break down your numbers into bite-sized chunks of change and making them part of the plan for the year ahead

  • How I have built my own framework for earning potential throughout the year.

All of this for only $37!

But wait, there’s steak knives…

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So what’s it gonna be?

Ready to set financial goals with a plan to feed future freelance you with success, confidence and clarity of your earning potential?