If you’re anything like I was when I first started in the lettering business, you’re pulling your hair out over what and how to charge for your skills.
You keep hearing stories (from people like me) that there’s some seriously good cash to be made in this industry, but you’re a bit baffled because none of it seems to be coming your way.
Believe me when I say that I understand how you feel.
Working out how and what to charge is damn hard, especially when you’re starting out…
How do I calculate the cost?
Is it just based on how long the job takes?
What about the time I’ve spent already invested perfecting my lettering skills?
What about the value to the client?
You’ve also been sniffing around your competitors and their rates seem more varied than the buffet that appears in my dreams sometimes.
I work with freelance creatives from all different backgrounds but unfortunately, lettering artists are notorious for undercharging, discounting, and miscalculating how to price their skills as a service.
It doesn’t have to be this way for you.
In case we’ve not met before, I’m Jaz Creative Freelancer, Design Superwoman, and Pricing Queen.
I’ve been in the industry for 15 years and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen every mistake possible (especially when it comes to pricing).
While I definitely wish I could turn back time and do things differently, my burned pies and dry biscuits are your gain.
I’m here to show you that you can legitimately make money as a freelancer, creative and even a lettering artist.
All you need is the right ingredients, a recipe to follow and the determination to see it through.
See, there’s a whole lot of clever psychology behind pricing.
Many freelancers think that being the cheapest will get them the jobs, but I can’t begin to stress how much of a mistake this is. Sure, your books might be full, but your bank account won’t be, and neither will your sense of self-worth.
Not only that, there’s a certain type of demographic who hire freelancers based only on who’s the cheapest.
Trust me when I say that you probably don’t want them as clients.
This isn’t a brag, it’s fact
The last 3 financial years saw me turn a $150k profit as a freelancer.
While I do outsource certain aspects of my business, the actual projects people hire me for are just done by me.
This means that I, as one solo freelance creative, earned over $20k per month.
I’m not telling you this to boost my ego or make you worship me. I drive a normal, run-of-the-mill car and buy my pyjamas from Kmart.
I’m telling you so you understand that it’s possible, and if anyone knows how to make it happen, it’s me.
It wasn’t always this way.
In the beginning I scrimped and scrounged, feeling like I had to say ‘yes’ to anyone who was willing to give me a go.
While there are definitely times where it’s worth lowering your rates because the project has additional value (eg a great one to add to your portfolio), this definitely shouldn’t be the norm.
The increase in my income didn’t come until I understood the why I was charging what I charged.
I have no aspirations to buy a Maserati or live in a castle, but I do enjoy the benefits of financial freedom.
My husband and I can travel if we want to, go on last-minute holidays, eat out at nice restaurants, and buy the more expensive underwear that doesn’t ride up.
We can afford to run the heating in winter and the air con in summer. I’m now at a stage where I earn a good income and don’t work 60-hour weeks to make it happen.
If you’re sitting there thinking
‘Jaz! Please tell me of this witchery and share your secrets’,
you’re in luck. That’s just what I’m going to do.
Pricing for Lettering Artists is a self-paced, 5 module, online entree course specifically for lettering artists to learn how to price like a pro.
The course is delivered via video lessons, eBook downloads, audio, and more. No two creative lives are the same, so I’m making sure you can get the information in whichever way works best for you.

“Jasmine is a gold mine! I’ve been in the graphic design world for over 10 years and I’ve been underpricing myself for the most part of it.
What I’ve learnt from her about usage rights and pricing has totally changed the perspective I work with clients and has brought my design game to a whole new level.“
Jimbo Bernaus | Digital Creator | @jimbobernaus
“I came across a little pickle in my business, and just like Superwoman, Jaz came to my rescue!
I was very fortunate to have her as a guide to help with topics such as raising my rates and improving client relations and day-to-day operations. Thank you Jaz for equipping me with some great tips and tricks to help my business grow.“
Lyn Tran | Lettering Artist | @lyn.tran.design
“I’m the type to panic every time I get an inquiry for a design project.
But through working with Jasmine, I’ve learned how to be more strategic about the way I price my expertise. Jasmine is such fun and encouraging coach. She will help you walk through any confusion, and overwhelm you might have about pricing.
If you’re an artist or a graphic designer who constantly gets overwhelmed about how to price your work, I definitely recommend that you work with Jaz!“
Gielizza Calzado | Illustrator & Designer | @gratefully.creating
Still have a question about the Pricing for Lettering Artists course?
Send me an email at jaz@jasminedesigns.com.au and I’ll help in any way I can.