10 Essential Pricing Questions: My Go-To Guide for Every Freelance Quote
"How much?" *shudder* the question every freelancer hates being asked. But don't worry, I've got my top 10 questions I ask both myself and clients to help me work out the answer.
Time to ditch the discounts
You see it everywhere, sales and deals and exclusive offers. But what are discounts really doing to your freelance business?
Busting pricing psychology myths
This feels like an episode of Mythbusters, but rather than bunsen burners and rockets, we have charm pricing and anchoring.
Productised services: The feast that could end your freelancing famine
There's a good chance you've heard of productised services as a freelancer and thought yeah, not for me. But lemme show you why they might whet your appetite.
Time to raise those rates
Your pay rise; how to do it without losing clients (and your breakfast)
Worth vs Value
Oooooh, this is gonna be a juicy one, just sayin'.
5 reasons you need a creative retainer on your menu
As a creative freelancer, I’m sure you’ve been told (too many times) that you’re trying to build a career in an incredibly difficult industry.
How to sandwich the solution to your clients problems
I’m constantly impressed by the innovative service businesses that people come up with it. While yes, some are a bit…erm….niche (goat rental anyone?), the hangover bus is downright genius.
Being expensive is an option
If you ask any freelance creative what they struggle with the most, I can guarantee that ‘pricing’ would be at least in the top 5.