• Black Friday isn’t baked for Freelancers

    As tempting as it is to dip your toe in the BFCM Sales season and serve up a discount or two, it might not be serving freelancer you. In fact, it's absolutely not.

  • 3 ways you and I can work together

    When it comes to choice, you deserve to be spoilt. Just like in cooking, having a variety of options in your creative business can take your work from bland to brilliant.

  • 5 reasons you need a creative retainer on your menu

    As a creative freelancer, I’m sure you’ve been told (too many times) that you’re trying to build a career in an incredibly difficult industry.

  • How to sandwich the solution to your clients problems

    I’m constantly impressed by the innovative service businesses that people come up with it. While yes, some are a bit…erm….niche (goat rental anyone?), the hangover bus is downright genius.

  • Being expensive is an option

    If you ask any freelance creative what they struggle with the most, I can guarantee that ‘pricing’ would be at least in the top 5.

  • Signage Pricing 101

    Creating artwork at large scale is no small task. You may be thinking it's just a bigger canvas, how is it different? Well...

  • Hourly Pricing 101

    Charging by the hour. Swapping time for dollars. It's common, simple, understood by many and not the way to be profitable as a creative.

  • Project Pricing 101

    Project Pricing is easily the most common way I charge my jobs, day in and day out. Let me tell you why...

  • EOFY, the F is for Freelancer

    As this financial year comes to a close and we enter glorious June, it's time to take stock, and I'm not talking chicken...