Meal Plan your 2023 Workshop

You are 42% more likely to achieve goals when they are physically recorded…

Mind blowing, right? Almost doubling your chance of success by just putting pen to paper…

Come join me at my table where we plan how we are going to make 2023 our bitch!

By signing up, in addition to access to the Meal Plan your 2023 Workshop, you’ll also receive my weekly newsletter full of pricing tips and tricks.

You are 42% more likely to achieve goals when they are physically recorded…

Mind blowing, right? Almost doubling your chance of success by just putting pen to paper…

Come join me at my table where we plan how we are going to make 2023 our bitch!

By signing up, in addition to access to the Meal Plan your 2023 Workshop, you’ll also receive my weekly newsletter full of pricing tips and tricks.

Tell me if this sounds familiar:

  • I generally set goals in my creative business but I never see them through

  • I always mean to set goals, and then it gets to February and I’m like why bother.

  • Goal planning always overwhelms me, I can’t decide which goals matter

  • My goals never become reality, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

Yep. Been there. Lemme help!

In this FREE workshop we will:

  • Step through my own goal setting process that I do when I start a new year (and have for the last 3 years)
  • Work out what parts of 2022 make it into 2023 and which don’t
  • Set goals that are big enough to scare you and break them down into bitesized pieces

Here’s what other creatives have said about the workshop

(Originally served live on 7 January 2023)

You’ve helped me gain a lot of clarity into what I want next year to look like.

But more than that, I’m now looking at a solid plan of how I can make that happen. I’ve never felt so on track at the beginning of a new year.


This started with me thinking I had a vague idea of what I planned and ended with me feeling like I had a structure to make all my goals for the year actually happen.

This workshop helped me think bigger!


This workshop gave me a new perspective on the way I was looking at my goals.

I never set a goal I couldn’t hit but I should be setting goals which are more challenging!


I really liked the interaction and vulnerability of the whole group including YOU!

Perfection, couldn’t have asked for anything better.


As someone who’s had a lot of dreams but has never been great at creating action plans for them, this workshop was a humongous help (and major inspo) to develop the means of achieving my goals next year.


This was a delicious way to get to see what it’d be like to work with Jaz prior to actually doing so.

I definitely need a noodle session with Jaz now!


Grab your seat for

Meal Plan your 2023

A Creative Business Goal Setting Workshop

Grab your reheated replay on demand, delivered hot and fresh to your inbox.

Another workshop lovingly baked by Jasmine Designs, your Pricing Queen.

If you’re in or around Melbourne, you might’ve seen this teal clad, pie-obsessed, superwoman flying around town. She can shovel an apple crumble in with one hand, while simultaneously bringing in a six-figure income with the other.

Fondly known in the business world as ‘The Pricing Queen’, Jaz is here for all creative freelancers. Knowing how and what to charge is a common challenge in this industry, one that Jaz knows all too well. With 15 years now under her belt, she’s made all the mistakes so you don’t have to.

Jaz is here to be the person she needed all those years ago. It’s time to confidently charge your worth and make 2024 your most profitable yet.